Les Règles

#104 - Swoop (Swoop)

If this player is thrown by a team-mate, as described on page 52, they do not scatter before landing as they normally would. Instead, you may place the Throw-in template over the player, facing towards either End Zone or either sideline as you wish. The player then moves from the target square D3 squares in a direction determined by rolling a D6 and referring to the Throw-in template.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Jim Grospotin,journaliste vedette,lors de la presentation a la presse de l'equipe hommes-lezards "LUSTRIAN RAPTOR" eu la difficile tache de poser quelques questions au capitaine KAPOTAKA,kroxigor de son etat.Voici en quelques mots le resumé: Jim G.:alors,Kapotaka,cette saison sera la premiere de votre equipe,quelles seront vos pretentions lors de ce championnat? Kapotaka:pota chatu po sate ropatata mu oo xate ra kate. Malheuresement a ce jour,on ne trouva aucun traducteur...

Fausse Pub

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