Les Règles

#11 - Tacle plongeant (Diving tackle)

Should an active opposition player that is attempting to Dodge, Jump or Leap in order to vacate a square in which they are being Marked by this player pass their Agility test, you may declare that this player will use this Skill.
Your opponent must immediately subtract 2 from the result of the Agility test.
This player is then Placed Prone in the square vacated by the opposition player.
If the opposition player was being Marked by more than one player with this Skill, only one player may use it.


Q: If a player attempts to Dodge away from a player with the Diving Tackle skill and fails the original Dodge roll, but then uses a re-roll and succeeds, can the player with Diving Tackle use this Skill on the re-rolled attempt? (p.75) A: Yes

Q: Does a player with the Pogo Stick trait still suffer the -2 modifier to their Agility test when attempting to Leap away from a player who uses the Diving Tackle skill? (p.85)
A: No, a player with the Pogo Stick trait ignores all negative modifiers applied for being Marked when attempting to Leap.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Lors de la J10 de la saison 2519, le Chef étoilé Oon, hautement mindtrickable, avait décidé de s'offrir un Minotaure mercenaire, dont le cout de contrat aurait été intégralement payé par la cagnotte personnelle de l'équipe. Nous disons bien "AURAIT été" car Oon ne sachant compter n'avait pas vu qu'il lui manquait 10 000 piece d'or pour se l'offrir. Il décida par dépit de se rabattre sur un choix bis : un mercenaire hobgob vicieux. Ce dernier fut vite amorti quand il fit retourner a l'infirmerie le minotaure adverse d'un coup de crampon bien placé au tour 2. il fut expulsé par l'arbitre sous les vivats de la foule et les insultes d'Aredhel.

Fausse Pub

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