Les Règles

#29 - Blocage multiple (Multiple block)

When this player performs a Block action on its own (but not as part of a Blitz action), they may choose to perform two Block actions, each targeting a different player they are Marking. However, doing so will reduce this player's Strength characteristic by 2 for the duration of this activation. Both Block actions are performed simultaneously, meaning both are resolved in full even if one or both result in a Turnover. The dice rolls for each Block action should be kept separate to avoid confusion. This player cannot follow-up when using this Skill. Note that choosing to use this Skill means this player will be unable to use the Frenzy skill during the same activation.


Q: If a player with Multiple Block also has the Grab skill, can they place the second opposition player that they Blocked into the square that was initially occupied by the first opposition player that they Blocked? (p.80)
A: No, as both Block actions happen simultaneously.

Q: When a player with the Multiple Block skill declares two adjacent opposing players the target of their Block, do both opponents grant defensive assists to each other if there are no other players from the active team marking them? (p.80)
A: No.

Q: Can the Stab trait be used in conjunction with the Multiple Block skill to make two Stab Special actions? (p.80 & 86)
A: Yes.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

La formidable carrière de Fu'leng, passeur star des Flying Chicken Purple, meilleur passeur de la saison 2003/2004 s'est achevée en beauté. Suicide ou simple erreur ? Le fait est qu'il croisa la route de Tenaka, le loup-garou tueur, et que lors de ce match, malgré l'intervention de l'apothicaire après un blitz de Tenaka, Fu'leng blitza Tenaka et se retrouva immédiatement changé en Zombie ! Comble de tout, il reçut le JPV des Elfes Noirs pour sa conduite sado maso exemplaire et le JPV des nécromanciens en signe de bienvenue...

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