Les Règles

#38 - Glissade contrôlée (Side step)

If this player is pushed back for any reason, they are not moved into a square chosen by the opposing coach.
Instead you may choose any unoccupied square adjacent to this player.
This player is pushed back into that square instead.
If there are no unoccupied squares adjacent to this player, this Skill cannot be used.


Un joueur au sol ne peut pas utiliser la compétence Glissade Contr�lée.

Q: Can players that are Prone, Stunned, or have lost their Tackle Zone still use skills such as Dodge, Block, Sidestep or Wrestle (amongst others)? (p.74)
A: No. A player that is Prone, Stunned, or has lost their Tackle Zone cannot use any Skills or Traits unless it is specifically stated in the description of that Skill or Trait.

Q: If a player is pushed by a Waaagh! Drummer, can they still use Skills that would come into effect when that player would be pushed such as Sidestep or Stand Firm? (p.36)
A: Yes.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Lors de la dernière rencontre exibition de l'équipe orque "Fanatic Babouins", le coach eu le malheur d'exorter son capitaine et blitzeur Jokoko à courir vers la zone d'en-but. En effet, ce dernier avait la balle et pouvait arracher le match nul. Le match fut perdu et on mit plus de huit jours à retrouver Jokoko...

Fausse Pub

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