Les Règles

#47 - Tentacules (Tentacles)

This player can use this Skill when an opposition player they are Marking voluntarily moves out of a square within this player's Tackle Zone. Roll a D6, adding the ST of this player to the roll and then subtracting the ST of the opposition player. If the result is 6 or higher, or if the roll is a natural 6, the opposition player is held firmly in place and their movement comes to an end. If, however, the result is 5 or lower, or if the roll is a natural 1, this Skill has no further effect. A player may use this Skill any number of times per turn, during either team's turn. If an opposition player is being Marked by more than one player with this Skill, only one player may use it.


Q: If a player uses the Hit and Run trait to move out of the Tackle Zone of a player with the Tentacles skill, does the player with Tentacles get to use the Skill? (p.5) A: No.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Extrait n°1 du manuscrit "Coach des Boum Boum Circus". "Comment faire comprendre à un minotaure,un ogre du chaos et un troll du chaos qu'ils ne peuvent pas porter le numéro 100 et être capitaine tous les trois ? A ce jour personne n'a trouvé la solution si ce n'est dans la mort."

Fausse Pub

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