Les Règles

#5 - Réception (Catch)

This player may re-roll a failed Agility test when attempting to catch the ball.


Q: Can the Catch skill be used when attempting to catch a Bomb? (p.75)
A: No, a Bomb is not a ball.

Q: What happens if a player already has the Catch skill or the Monstrous Mouth skill and randomly rolls the other Skill? (p.75 & 78)
A: If a player has the Monstrous Mouth skill and subsequently rolls the Catch skill, then they should re-roll. If a player has the Catch skill and subsequently rolls the Monstrous Mouth skill, then they may not re-roll, as the Monstrous Mouth skill provides an additional benefit.

Q: If a player with the Diving Catch skill attempts to catch the ball when it is landing in an adjacent square and fails, does the ball bounce from the player who failed the catch, or from where it was going to initially land? (p.75)
A: The ball will bounce from where it was initially going to land.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Tout le monde connaît l'appétit féroce du dieu Khaine en toutes sortes de victimes, suppliciés et autres... pour ses sacrifices. Le problème est que cette tâche de recrutement incombe à son équipe ,les Speed Devils; et devant le manque indéniable de nouvelles recrues, le coach elfe noir, à grand frais de publicité, invite toute personne à venir se sacrifier dans les flammes pour Khaine...

Fausse Pub

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