Les Règles

#52 - Toujours affamé (Always hungry)

If this player wishes to perform a Throw Team-mate action, roll a D6 after they have finished moving, but before they throw their team-mate. On a roll of 2+, continue with the throw as normal. On a roll of 1, this player will attempt to eat their team-mate. Roll another D6: • On a roll of 1, the team-mate has been eaten and is immediately removed from the Team Draft list. No apothecary can save them and no Regeneration attempts can be made. If the team-mate was in possession of the ball, it will bounce from the square this player occupies. • On a roll of 2+, the team-mate squirms free and the Throw Team-mate action is automatically fumbled, as described on page 53.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

La palme de l'événement le plus improbable revient sans doute au match opposant les Wolf and Rabbit aux Revenant's 40 pendant lequel une momie a réussi une interception. Plus tard dans le match sa collègue, en ayant marre d'en entendre des tonnes, a décidé de faire pareil ! Il ne faut jamais sous estimer l'agilité d'une momie vexée.

Fausse Pub

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