Les Règles

#59 - Gerbe de Vomi (Projectile Vomit)

Instead of performing a Block action (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), this player may perform a ‘Projectile Vomit’ Special action. Exactly as described for a Block action, nominate a single Standing player to be the target of the Projectile Vomit Special action. There is no limit to how many players with this Trait may perform this Special action each team turn. To perform a Projectile Vomit Special action, roll a D6: • On a roll of 2+, this player regurgitates acidic bile onto the nominated target. • On a roll of 1, this player belches and snorts, before covering itself in acidic bile. • In either case, an Armour roll is made against the player hit by the Projectile Vomit. This Armour roll cannot be modified in any way. • If the armour of the player hit is broken, they become Prone and an Injury roll is made against them. This Injury roll cannot be modified in any way. • If the armour of the player hit is not broken, this Trait has no effect. A player can only perform this Special action once per turn (i.e., Projectile Vomit cannot be used with Frenzy or Multiple Block).

Le Saviez-Vous ?

La formidable carrière de Fu'leng, passeur star des Flying Chicken Purple, meilleur passeur de la saison 2003/2004 s'est achevée en beauté. Suicide ou simple erreur ? Le fait est qu'il croisa la route de Tenaka, le loup-garou tueur, et que lors de ce match, malgré l'intervention de l'apothicaire après un blitz de Tenaka, Fu'leng blitza Tenaka et se retrouva immédiatement changé en Zombie ! Comble de tout, il reçut le JPV des Elfes Noirs pour sa conduite sado maso exemplaire et le JPV des nécromanciens en signe de bienvenue...

Fausse Pub

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