Les Règles

#65 - Poignard (Stab)

Instead of performing a Block action (on its own or as part of a Blitz action), this player may perform a ‘Stab’ Special action. Exactly as described for a Block action, nominate a single Standing player to be the target of the Stab Special action. There is no limit to how many players with this Trait may perform this Special action each team turn. To perform a Stab Special action, make an unmodified Armour roll against the target: • If the Armour of the player hit is broken, they become Prone and an Injury roll is made against them. This Injury roll cannot be modified in any way. • If the Armour of the player hit is not broken, this Trait has no effect. • If Stab is used as part of a Blitz action, the player cannot continue moving after using it.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Après sa troisième défaite consécutive face à Merlin, le Général Izo aurait lancé à un tiers qui l'interpellait "Non ! Moi c'est Général KK !" ou caca, on ne sait pas trop, l'orthographe varie selon les amateurs de plaisirs culinaires dépravés et les fanas de ratonnade.

Fausse Pub

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