Les Règles

#66 - Botté de Coéquipier (Kick Team-Mate)

Once per team turn, in addition to another player performing either a Pass or a Throw Team-mate action, a single player with this Trait on the active team can perform a ‘Kick Team-mate’ Special action and attempt to kick a Standing team-mate with the Right Stuff trait that is in a square adjacent to them. To perform a Kick Team-mate Special action, follow the rules for Throw Team-mate actions as described on page 52. However, if the Kick Team-mate Special action is fumbled, the kicked player is automatically removed from play and an Injury roll is made against them, treating a Stunned result as a KO’d result (note that, if the player that performed this action also has the Mighty Blow (+X) skill, the coach of the opposing team may use that Skill on this Injury roll). If the kicked player was in possession of the ball when removed from play, the ball will bounce from the square they occupied.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Les joueurs de la Lutèce dont le nom comporte "Fondu" sont plus susceptibles de faire un 12 en évolution que les autres (soit +1 en force). On remarquera le cas de LX avec son maximum FONDU et Général Izo avec son Gros FONDU. A bon entendeur !

Fausse Pub

© Lutèce Cup 2005
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