Les Règles

Zolcath the Zoat

Photo de Star

Mouvement 5
Force 5
Agilité 4+
Passe 5+
Armure 10+

Compétences et Traits : Présence Perturbante, Solitaire(4+), Juggernaut, Queue Préhensile, Chataigne(+1), Regeneration, Equilibre

Coût : 230000 PO

Autorisé(e) pour : Amazones, Hommes lézards, Elfes sylvains, Elfes, Elfes noirs, Hauts Elfes, Norses, Slanns


Plays for: Any team with either the ‘Lustrian Superleague’ or ‘Elven Kingdoms League’ special rules.

“Excuse Me, Are You a Zoat?”: Once per game, when Zolcath is activated, he may gain the Hypnotic Gaze trait. You must declare this special rule is being used when Zolcath is activated

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Did you know... that those worthless players from Holland, have actually been sent by the CIA to collect information on nerd activity in western Europe. So far, special agent Lucy, an excellent dresser who's infiltrated the BB community up to the highest level, has found some interesting data. Most players will be apprehended and jailed in the coming months.

Fausse Pub

© Lutèce Cup 2005
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