Les Règles

#6 - Griffes (Claws)

When you make an Armour roll against an opposition player that was Knocked Down as the result of a Block action performed by this player, a roll of 8+ before applying any modifiers will break their armour, regardless of their actual Armour Value.


Ne peut être utilisé avec Châtaigne pour modifier un jet d'armure

Q: Can a player with both the Claws and Mighty Blow (+X) skills use them together to allow them to break an opposition player's armour on less than 8+ provided by the Claws skill? (p.78 & 80)
A: No.

Q: If a player has both the Mighty Blow (+X) skill and the Claws trait, they cannot use the Mighty Blow (+X) skill to modify the Armour roll due to Claws, but can they still use it to modify the Injury roll? (p.80)
A: Yes.

Q: If a player with Animal Savagery knocks down a friendly model, are they forced to use Claws, Piledriver, Mighty Blow (X+) (or any other Skills that would affect Armour or Injury rolls), or can they choose not to? (p.81)
A: The only Skills the opposing coach may choose for the player with Animal Savagery to use are Claws and Mighty Blow (+X). In this case, treat the Knock Down as being the result of a Block action.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Après l'élimination en quart de finale de la chocolate, Coupet totalisait 35 pex, il devenait ainsi le joueur du PSG 09/10 avec le plus d'expérience: 0 réussite, 0 TD, 0 interception, 0 sortie et 7 JPV acquis en 17 matchs. Pour sa 3ème comp', Le Ong choisira de lui enseigner parade. Espérons que cela lui serve la saison prochaine, s'il doit encore protéger la cage de l'équipe.

Fausse Pub

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