Les Règles

Ventre–Feu Ogre (ogre firebelly)

Bagarre des Terres Arides / (Badlands Brawl)

Coût : 150000 PO

Catégorie : 0-1 Wizard

Quantité : 0-1

Autorisé(e) pour : Gobelins, Nains du Chaos, Orques, Ogres, Orques Noirs


Once per game, a Wizard may cast one of the following spells:


You may cast this spell at the end of either player’s team turn, before the next team turn begins. Choose a target square anywhere on the pitch and roll a D6 for each Standing player (from either team) that occupies either the target square or a square adjacent to it:

  • On a roll of 4+, the player has been hit by the Fireball.
  • On a roll of 1-3, the player manages to avoid the Fireball. Any Standing players hit by the Fireball are Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by a Fireball, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.


    You may cast this spell at the end of either player’s team turn, before the next team turn begins. Choose any square that is adjacent to one of the Sidelines to be the Column of Fire’s starting point. The Column of Fire follows a path from one Sideline to the other, moving in a straight line from its starting point directly towards the opposite Sideline. Roll a D6 for every Standing player (from either team) that occupies a square in the Column of Fire’s path:

  • On a roll of 4+, the player has been hit by the Column of Fire.
  • On a roll of 1-3, the player is able to duck and avoid the Column of Fire.
    Any Standing players hit by the Column of Fire are Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by the Column of Fire, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.
Utilisations en Matchs
Journée Match Coach
13 Petits Elfes des Bois / Les Expertes en Herbe PoireAbricot
Le Saviez-Vous ?

Que dire sur la finale de la Lutèce Cup 2001 opposant les Peace You Off au Stadoceste ? Rien à part peut-être que le coach du Stade Lorain avait proposé de jouer cette finale au Stade Clisson la Forêt. Et que lorsqu'on vit les deux équipes s'enfoncer dans la forêt pour se rendre au match, c'était pour la dernière fois. Les seuls mots qu'on a pu soutirer à de rares elfes sylvains étaient : "Je vous assure maintenant tous les nains du Stadoceste peuvent jouer pour les Peace You Off !".

Fausse Pub

© Lutèce Cup 2005
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