Les Règles

Mascotte (Team Mascot)

Tous / (Any)

A team that includes a Team Mascot gains an extra team re-roll (a suitable model should be placed on your team reroll tracker). However, to use the Team Mascot re-roll you must first roll a D6:

  • On a roll of 1-4, the Team Mascot proves ineffective and, pelted by food wrappers and worse, retreats to the locker room. The Team Mascot re-roll is lost for this half of the game. However, you may use a normal team re-roll instead.
  • On a roll of 5+, the Team Mascot re-roll can be used, just like a normal team re-roll.
Utilisations en Matchs
Journée Match Coach
9 [TMNT] Croâ ? Croâcoubeh ! / Flying Roubignolles Scarabee
13 Dans la peau de Jérôme / Beastie Dolls Budmilka
14 Serviteurs de Huahuan / [TMNT] AS Bashtraciens SSB
14 Petits Elfes des Bois / Flying Roubignolles PoireAbricot
Le Saviez-Vous ?

Did you know... that those worthless players from Holland, have actually been sent by the CIA to collect information on nerd activity in western Europe. So far, special agent Lucy, an excellent dresser who's infiltrated the BB community up to the highest level, has found some interesting data. Most players will be apprehended and jailed in the coming months.

Fausse Pub

© Lutèce Cup 2005
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