Les Règles

Schielund Scharlitan (schielund scharlitan)

Tous / (Any)


During the pre-game sequence, after Step 4 but before Step 5, randomly select D3 players on your team that are eligible to play during this game. These players have been approached by Scharlitan, and his interest is having a noticeable effect on their attitude! Until the end of this game, each selected player gains the Pro skill. However, at the start of Step 3 of the post-game sequence, roll a D6 for each of these players (unless they suffered, and did not recover from, a Casualty table result of 15-16, DEAD during the game):

  • On a roll of 1, that player has begun to act like they are the next big thing. The agent tires of his client and drops them, but the exposure has gone to their head. The player gains the Loner (2+) trait.
  • On a roll of 2-5, the agent simply drops the player from his books. They might be disappointed, but they’ll get over it.
  • On a roll of 6, the agent tires of his client and drops them, but the exposure has been good for them. The player permanently retains the Pro skill without having to spend any SPP (note that you must adjust their Current Value accordingly, as if the player had chosen a Primary skill).
Utilisations en Matchs
Journée Match Coach
Aucun match pour ce coup de pouce
Le Saviez-Vous ?

Le Premier connard venu est capable d'emmener des nains en play offs de la Lutèce, c'est un fait acquis. Mais saviez vous qu'Amaranth, qui n'est pas le Premier connard venu mais le Dernier, a réussi l'exploit de qualifier des nains pour la ChocolateCup, et ce, dès la première saison ! Un parcours sans faute pour notre vaillant coach qui ira jusqu'en finale pour prouver qu'il faut être le Premier connard venu, donc, pour gagner la Chocolate face à des humains venant d'open, qui sur le papier n'avaient aucune chance... Merci pour cette belle leçon de BloodBowl coach Amaranth !

Fausse Pub

© Lutèce Cup 2005
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