Les Règles

Jorm l’Ogre (Spécial) (Jorm the Ogre)

Chantage & Corruption / (Bribery and corruption)

Coût : 80000 PO

Catégorie : 0-1 Biased Referee

Quantité : 0-1

Autorisé(e) pour : Gobelins, Orques Noirs, Snotlings, Underworld


Pour la version "Tous" : Voir ici


Jorm doesn't like Cheaters!

Jorm is always on the lookout for dirty play, and misses very little. If any player on the opposing team commits a Foul but a double is not rolled when making either the Armour roll or Injury roll, roll a D6:

  • On a roll of 4+, Jorm has spotted the cheat and rolls up his sleeves to deliver his own form of justice.
  • On a roll of 1-3, the player manages to avoid the ref’s attention.

Once spotted by Jorm in this way (and only in this way), the player that committed the Foul is immediately Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by Jorm, you may apply a +1 modifier to either the Armour roll or Injury roll. This modifier may be applied after the roll has been made.

“Shut it, You Hooligans!”

If a Get the Ref result is rolled on the Kick-off Event table, the normal effects are ignored – instead, Jorm goes into a rampage and starts tearing through the stands to teach the rowdy fans a lesson! Both teams reduce their Fan Factor for this game by -1 each time a Get the Ref result is rolled on the Kick-off Event table.

Utilisations en Matchs
Journée Match Coach
Aucun match pour ce coup de pouce
Le Saviez-Vous ?

Des avantages du blizzard... Au cours de son match d'entame de la ligue 2007-2008, le Doc Groznik profita du manque de visibilité sur le terrain du au blizzard qui soufflait sur le stade du Va là! Là! pour engager 13 joueurs... Scampi se demandait pourquoi il ne passait pas. A la fin de la première mi temps, une accalmie révéla le pot aux roses et l'arbitre, furieux, expédia deux joueurs chaotiques out pour le reste du match, faisant fi du règlement... Pour sur, ça jasa!

Fausse Pub

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