Les Règles

#114 - Peau de Fer (Iron Hard Skin)

The Claws skill cannot be used when making an Armour roll against this player.

This Skill may still be used if the player is Prone, Stunned, or has lost their Tackle Zone.


Q: If a player with an AV of 8+ (or worse) randomly gains the Iron Hard Skin skill, does this count as them gaining a Skill they cannot use as the Skill will have no effect? (p.74)
A: Yes. They may re-roll.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Il ne faut pas contrarier un lanceur Norsque. Le meilleur exemple, Bertil, lanceur des Frozens Gencives qui ne supportait pas de voir un adversaire trop près de lui avant de lancer. Résultat, 9 passes dans la saison 2001 - 2002 et ... 10 sorties.

Fausse Pub

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