Les Règles

#34 - Queue Préhensile (Prehensile tail)

When an active opposition player attempts to Dodge, Jump or Leap in order to vacate a square in which they are being Marked by this player, there is an additional -1 modifier applied to the active player's Agility test. If the opposition player is being Marked by more than one player with this Mutation, only one player may use it.


Q: Does a player with the Pogo Stick trait still suffer the -1 modifier to their Agility test when attempting to Leap away from a player with the Prehensile Tail mutation? (p.85)
A: No, a player with the Pogo Stick trait ignores all negative modifiers applied for being Marked when attempting to Leap.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Did you know... that those worthless players from Holland, have actually been sent by the CIA to collect information on nerd activity in western Europe. So far, special agent Lucy, an excellent dresser who's infiltrated the BB community up to the highest level, has found some interesting data. Most players will be apprehended and jailed in the coming months.

Fausse Pub

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