Les Règles

#50 - Très longues jambes (Very long legs)

This player may reduce any negative modifier applied to the Agility test when they attempt to Jump over a Prone or Stunned player (or to Leap over an empty square or a square occupied by a Standing player, if this player has the Leap skill) by 1, to a minimum of -1. Additionally, this player may apply a +2 modifier to any attempts to interfere with a pass they make.
Finally, this player ignores the Cloud Burster skill.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Citation du président de l'équipe des Cannibal Rangers:"Mort,tu ne satisfais que mon orgueil!Vendu,tu rejouis ma bourse!" Et apres ça on dit que les nains du chaos n'on pas de coeur...du moins pour l'or!

Fausse Pub

© Lutèce Cup 2005
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