Les Règles

#52 - Toujours affamé (Always hungry)

If this player wishes to perform a Throw Team-mate action, roll a D6 after they have finished moving, but before they throw their team-mate. On a roll of 2+, continue with the throw as normal. On a roll of 1, this player will attempt to eat their team-mate. Roll another D6: • On a roll of 1, the team-mate has been eaten and is immediately removed from the Team Draft list. No apothecary can save them and no Regeneration attempts can be made. If the team-mate was in possession of the ball, it will bounce from the square this player occupies. • On a roll of 2+, the team-mate squirms free and the Throw Team-mate action is automatically fumbled, as described on page 53.

Le Saviez-Vous ?

Afin d'échapper au percepteur impérial, le 3/4 des Troubadours, Florent "presse qui mouille me casse les c..." a choisi de s'exiler à Cathay, quelque part à l'est de notre vieux monde. Il en est revenu maîtrisant les techniques avancées du win chung, notamment le triple coup de crâne en rotation inversée qui arrache sa race utilisé au quatrième match de la saison sur l'infortuné Tenaka. Celui-ci passa le match suivant sur un lit d'hôpital en hurlant vengeance pour sa truffe en marmelade (ça ne le change pas me direz-vous...).

Fausse Pub

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