Les Règles

Joueurs Mercenaires (Mercenary Players)

Tous / (Any)

For every player safely employed by a team, there are dozens more who will wear anyone’s colours in exchange for hard currency. You may Induce Mercenary players to your team for a single game, chosen from your Team Roster, at 30,000 gold pieces more than the player would normally cost. For example, a Mercenary Human Lineman would cost 80,000 gold pieces to hire for a game rather than the usual 50,000 gold pieces.

The normal limits on the total number of players allowed on a team and in each position apply to Mercenaries. However, players that are missing the game due to injury do not count towards the number of players on the team, so they are not counted when working out how many Mercenaries a team can have.

All Mercenaries have the Loner (4+) trait as they are not accustomed to playing with the rest of the team. In addition, a Mercenary may be given one additional Primary skill selected from those available to a player of that position, at an additional cost of 50,000 gold pieces. For example, a Mercenary Human Lineman could be given Tackle for a total cost of 130,000 gold pieces to hire for a game. Mercenaries do not earn Star Player points and cannot be awarded the MVP for the game. Unlike Journeymen, Mercenaries cannot be permanently hired during the post-game sequence.

Utilisations en Matchs
Journée Match Coach
4 Charonne Steack House (Fav Chaos Univ) / [TMNT] Croâ ? Croâcoubeh ! Kral / JC
5 Sacrificateurs de Sotek / [TMNT] Croâ ? Croâcoubeh ! Haplo
15 Yoshi Sunshine / Beastie Dolls Crouch
Le Saviez-Vous ?

Lors de la rencontre de la saison 2007-2008 opposant le Guet des orfèvres aux Fatals moulards, le plus grand chat bite qui n'est jamais existé sur un stade de Blood bowl fut instigué par Slad Yque l'un des coureurs stars de l'Equipe des Fatals. L'ambiance est très vite montée dans les tribunes et à ce petit jeu, les joueurs du Guet se sont révélés être des experts. Menés par le Marquis et son expérience en la matière, ce n'est pas moins de 8 sorties que subirent les Fatals. A noter qu'elles furent toutes bénignes. Les consignes du coach étant claires: "On flate la descendance mais on ne casse pas le joujou à Maman"

Fausse Pub

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