Les Règles

Onguent Médicinal (Medical Unguent)

Tous / (Any)

Should a player on your team be removed from play having suffered a 10-12, Serious Injury result on the Casualty table, after any other attempts to heal that player have been made and have failed, you may use this Inducement. The player is immediately removed from the Casualty box and placed in the Reserves box of your dugout, having been miraculously healed by the liberal application of something that smells extremely suspicious. However, at the end of this game, the result of the Casualty roll is applied as normal.

Utilisations en Matchs
Journée Match Coach
Aucun match pour ce coup de pouce
Le Saviez-Vous ?

Jim Grospotin,journaliste vedette,lors de la presentation a la presse de l'equipe hommes-lezards "LUSTRIAN RAPTOR" eu la difficile tache de poser quelques questions au capitaine KAPOTAKA,kroxigor de son etat.Voici en quelques mots le resumé: Jim G.:alors,Kapotaka,cette saison sera la premiere de votre equipe,quelles seront vos pretentions lors de ce championnat? Kapotaka:pota chatu po sate ropatata mu oo xate ra kate. Malheuresement a ce jour,on ne trouva aucun traducteur...

Fausse Pub

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