Les Règles

Entraînement supplémentaire (extra team training)

Tous / (Any)

Each Extra Team Training session grants the team an extra team re-roll for each half of this game.

Utilisations en Matchs
Journée Match Coach
3 Farewell Tour 79 / Super Souris Mikebrant
4 Tifs et Raies II / Mystic Moustics Frakas
12 New Orcs Jets / Farewell Tour 79 Wallord
Le Saviez-Vous ?

Did you know... that those worthless players from Holland, have actually been sent by the CIA to collect information on nerd activity in western Europe. So far, special agent Lucy, an excellent dresser who's infiltrated the BB community up to the highest level, has found some interesting data. Most players will be apprehended and jailed in the coming months.

Fausse Pub

© Lutèce Cup 2005
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